The Top 10 Reasons to proactively and collaborative plan aging:
Benefits to Boomers and Our Caregivers
- It will save us time and money – to arrange practical ways of situating ourselves and meeting our needs.
- We create more certainty and control for ourselves, which maintains our confidence as we age.
- We can generate new and more customized housing and care options that otherwise might not be available!
- We can safeguard ourselves against the expected vulnerabilities of aging and caregiving (e.g. moving in a crisis, financial abuse, inaccessible home, challenges with arranging needed safety or home care services).
- We increase our social connections and access to resources through our networks and choices!
Benefits to our Neighborhoods and Towns
- Our homes and communities can be designed more inclusively, and be ready for an aging population
- Our models of living can foster more social interaction and relationships across generations.
- Our neighborhoods can foster supportive social and caregiving networks.
Benefits to Organizations working with Seniors and Caregivers
- Healthcare provider organizations focus more upon systems to help share clinical information more efficiently with patients and bring caregivers more fully “into the circle of care”.
- Clinicians can help older adults (and their caregivers) to better self-manage and reduce risks of health conditions,
- Clinicians will have better tools to work with older adults and caregivers as a cohesive care team.
- Housing developers can develop more innovative and inclusive housing options for aging boomers based on their identified preferences, needs and a co-design process.
- Organizations can use the latest technology resources, including “shared platforms” for organizing delivery of the right types of services to older adult customers (and their caregivers).