It is exciting to share 2024 Edition of the Options Open Guide, marked the beginning of our 5th year in action!
Based on the contents of the Options Open Guide, we have led hundreds of workshops, community conversations, book club talks, and many different groups have joined our five-part workshop series. We have reached thousands of older adults in communities across Canada and parts of the USA, and as far away as the UK, Australia and New Zealand. We hope to continue expanding our reach, and adapting our educational offerings based on the input and feedback from our many participants!
Overall, people love the Options Open Guide (workbook style) and its “travel planning approach” to later life planning. Audiences come away with an understanding of the scope and the layers of the five later life planning topics (aka “The Five Strategy Framework). The practical and unique frameworks within the Options Open guide appeal to older adults, caregivers and various advising professionals (e.g. financial planners, realtors, lawyers) alike!
After most speaking engagements, people approach me to say, this was the most clear and inspiring presentation I have heard about successful aging! The Options Open philosophy and proactive approach to making my plans and arrangements “just makes so much sense”! I just love this response, because my goal is to help people understand the different types of life transitions that might lie ahead – and how to preventatively navigate (over time) to find the right options that situate them for the best experiences and the choices they want.
In 2024, our five-part series was held twice in collaboration with Baycrest Health’s Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) program Leap – a virtual innovation community for older adults and caregivers. In a five part weekly series titled Planning Your Best Life, I facilitated group conversations, helping participants engage in conversations and story-telling. To preview the short animated video about the Options Open Guide concept and workshops:
Our next collaboration with Baycrest Health is planned for the Spring of 2025, where our five-part series will be available online through their “Better Living Educational Series”!
Our success during these first few years has only been possible through collaborative partnerships with various organizations, retiree and community groups. My special thanks to the many organizations who have supported this work.
And, a special thanks to colleague and longevity expert, Mark Venning, CEO of Change Rangers, who prompted this update by his own blog article entitled, “Later Life for the Curious: Options Open Guidebook Update”.
We hope that this update might encourage you to Buy the Guide or arrange a workshop/community conversation about these ideas. If so, please reach out to me at: [email protected]
And, to find out more about our educational events, join us on Instagram @optionsopenguide