If your answer is YES, come to a workshop to learn more about the collaborative housing options that might work for you! Most of us know whether we can afford to rent or buy a place. But, we don’t know
Family Caregivers Need More supports to Prevent Isolation and Burn Out!
According to a Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) report released today, the distress levels of informal (unpaid) caregivers of individuals with dementia are dramatically on the rise, and their own health is on the decline. The Alzheimer Society of
Starting the Conversation: “Where” and “How” we want to Age in Place
Over 85% of Boomers surveyed say that they wish to Age in Place. But how many of us have really thought about “how” we will achieve this goal, and “where” the place will be? Some boomers I speak to want
A New Framework for Improving Supports to Caregivers
Collaborative Aging is pleased to have facilitated the creation of this planning framework on the important topic of Caregiving! Under the leadership of the Alzheimer Society of York Region, this framework was developed in collaboration with several caregivers and healthcare providers located
Living Longer at Home…It Takes Collaborative Planning
In most surveys conducted in North America, seniors state a desire to age in the community and stay in their own home. Given our longer lifespans, this means living up to 25-30 years after retiring from formal paid work. Yet,